Vancouver Lodge No. 68 would like to invite all of the members, seekers and friends to take part in the Daytona Arcade Racing Championship Event at the Movieland Arcade in Vancouver, BC on March 14th, 2018 at 8PM.
It is a FREE EVENT and doesn’t include games, food or drinks.
At 7:30PM we will meet at The Dime On Granville for pre-drinks and a quick bite. Their beer is $5 and food $5.95
1017 Granville St.
Vancouver, BC
V6Z 1L5
At 8:00PM we will walk across the street to The Movieland Arcade
906 Granville Street
Vancouver, BC
V6Z 1L2
To take part at the Daytona Arcade Racing Championship:
– gamers will chip in $5 each
– race 3 times
– top 4 will take part in the final race
– the winner takes the cash prize
RSVP by March 11th, 2018
Daytona USA is a racing video game developed by Sega AM2 and released by Sega, with a limited release in 1993 followed by a full release in 1994. One of the highest grossing arcade games of all time, Daytona USA was Sega’s first title to debut on the Sega Model 2 arcade board, and, at the time of its release, was considered the most visually detailed 3D racing game. Compared to the flat-shaded polygons of its predecessor, Virtua Racing, Daytona’s 3D-world was fully texture-mapped, giving it a more realistic appearance. Daytona was one of the first video games to feature filtered, texture-mapped polygons, giving it the most detailed graphics yet seen in a video game up until that time. In single-player mode, Daytona maintained a consistent 60 fps (frames per second) rate, even with multiple opponents on screen, surpassing the motion smoothness of the only other racing game in a comparable graphical arena, Namco’s Ridge Racer.
Vancouver Lodge No. 68, A.F. & A.M., B.C. & Y.
making good men better since 1913
Vancouver, BC, CANADA